News Items

Below are some items that may be of interest to members and visitors alike. We welcome contributions to the new section of this site. More importantly we welcome any feedback to the items posted.
Where possible I will attach links to those interested parties, but if there are issues arising from the items that members wish to share please don't hesitate to contact the Hillyard Owners Association.

                                                         A message from the Hillyard Owners Association…

            We wish all our Members and supporters a very Happy Christmas, a Peaceful New Year and hope everyone stays safe as we go into 2023.

Hannah at Christmas


The reason I am emailing is because I want to find the  boat I learnt to sail in.  She is called Lalun, two bunks in the cabin but my father also made me a canvas bunk up forew'd between the mast and the chain locker.  My Dad worked for Brooks and Gatehouse in Lymington and we lived in Captains Row.  Lalun was moored by Lymington Town Quay and we used to use Bill Hunt's boatyard next to the Stone Cellar (the old Bonded Warehouse, sadly demolished.


Hi Hillyard owners associates
We have started a new facebook page to help connect the owners of hillyards around the world.

We hope you can join us.
Manda, Dave, Lorenzo, and Artie
The Bear Family




This picture shows Didicoy in the late 1960s in Bembridge harbour. At the time she was owned by my parents and had a deepwater mooring at the top of Chichester harbour. From there, she made numerous journeys along the south coast, out to the Isle of Wight or across the Channel.

With best wishes



The Two and A Half Ton Dream Boat

Neil Richards Writes:

I am currently doing some research into a specific Hillyard two and half tonner called "Puffin", of which there are several, but the one I am specifically interested in was the one described by author Ray Whitaker in his book "Two and a Half Ton Dream".

My search so far on your web site led me to The Hillyarder, Issue 60 April 2009 where Cathy Woodhead wrote an article about tracing her old family boat, also called Puffin. Although not the same one, she mentions that during her search she found that a David Pestridge had bought what he believed to be Whitaker's Puffin and moved her to Invernesshire.

I don't know if he still owns the boat or if she has since moved on but I wonder if the HOA could help me track her down as I'd like to contact either David or the current (and previous?) owners? I don't know if there are any sister vessels on the East Coast in the Essex/Suffolk area but I would be interested to make contact with any owners there as well.

Although I am not a Hillyard owner this boat has a very strong place in my heart as I first read Whitaker's book when I was about 6 or 7 in the Midlands in the 1960's and this story, along with Fid Harnack's illustrations, fueled my love of sailing boats all my life. For many decades a "proper boat" to me was a small gaff-rigged boat with a small cabin and two round portholes... :)

I read the book many times as a child but being young and landlocked I didn't really have a clue as to where it took place. When I finally bought my first cruiser over 30 years later it was ironically on the Blackwater at West Mersea. I went in search of the book again and was amazed to discover it all took place around what was now our local sailing area. I have since tracked down and bought my own copy, finally and at some expense, and find it just as enjoyable as I did when I was a child.

Finally, do you have any information on Ray Whitaker? I suspect this is a pseudonym, as the copyright in the book is asserted by John Davies, but I can't find any subsequent books under either name apart from some very recent ones. I would love to know if the book was (semi) autobiographical but have no way of tracing his family. My own early cruising experiences are so close to those in this book I find it uncanny.

Many thanks for helping me with this mild but persistent obsession, I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards

Neil Richards



Where is she now?

From Malcolm & Sophia Haas write:

We purchased our 8 tonner, Gannet at the end of 1982 from a wonderful ex naval officer, Johnnie Johnson.  He and his wife kept her at Ridge Wharf and had sailed her extensively for many years.  Her topsides were painted battleship grey and her old Perkins loved to stop in all the most interesting places.  Ridge had been our home for long before that as I earned a living teaching offshore sailing from 1972 to 74 in my Westerly Longbow, Crazy Lady so was longing for a replacement!  Over some years, we carried out an extensive refit, replacing all the mahogany, splicing in a new mast section of some 15 feet’  (she had rotted at the hounds band) and replacing the engine with a 4108 which we marinised using parts from an old taxi engine!  Pressure of work and a very young daughter led us to sell her to Chris Ashdown in about 1998.  He ( and his white German Shepherd called Rabbit) stayed with us and helped until the refit was complete including new decks with woven matt GRP to finish that task.


Chris, Rabbit and a friend  took her round the Foreland to Lowestoft where he lived aboard and trained as a Shipwright at the National Boatbuilding College, then sailed her to Portugal to work in a marina there.  The last we heard, he was going to set off for South America in her but that is where we lost touch.  She was Lloyds Registered but we have failed to find further information so any news would be great!


Gannet - Where is she now?

Tarion - A Sad End
Dave Rogers from Ambientmarin writes
I recall doing some work on this yacht in 2002 in Liverpool........... is this the 'Tarion' built by Hillyards? 
I understand that she ended her days here, sadly indeed. Tarion was a beautiful example of the Hillyard range, 
If she is the same yacht then her story goes something like, bought from Coburg Yachtbrokers around 2001/2, the new owner left port on a workup sail and never returned leaving considerable debt, he was arrested in Gibraltar and the yacht sold on there to the owners who sadly lost her off Tristan........ 
The story link is;


Remembering Michael & Nicky Joyce.
Michael and Nicky Joyce

Michael Joyce was born in Strood, Kent in 1922. The family; Father, Sidney, an Engineer, Mother Vera , older sister Doreen, ‘Deen’ & younger brother Anthony, moved to Bedford in1927, then Little Aston, Staffordshire in 1929 on to Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire in 1936. Michael gained a scholarship to Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School, leaving in 1939, he was Apprenticed to Bellis & Morcom an engineering company in Birmingham. A family move to Huddersfield Yorkshire resulted in Michael finishing his Apprenticeship there with Hopkinsons Ltd. Michael’s Dad gave him an Austin ‘Chummy ‘ baby car, cost £4.10 shillings to enable him to get to work. This being the start of WW2, Engineering was a reserved occupation giving exemption from call up into the armed services. In 1943 young Michael Joyce volunteered for the army and joined the newly formed Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers, REME. He gained a Commission and began a courtship with Veronica (Nicky) Lansley. No doubt the Austin Chummy came in handy despite petrol being rationed. The couple were wed in 1944. So began a marriage of 66 years. Almost immediately Michael was posted to the Far East, for the next three years, serving in India & Burma, until the Japanese surrender, and finally Hong Kong, ending the war with the rank of Major. For a time he was CO of a TA unit at Folkstone. He also instructed Gravesend Sea Cadets. Half a century later his Indian Army Unit invited Michael to India where he was royally welcomed and entertained by their successors in arms.

Resuming married life together, Michael & Nicky had one child, a daughter Susannah who tragically died at 21 years of age. Nicky was a linguist and later in her life became Secretary of the International Professional Business Women’s Association and travelled widely in the course of her work.

They took up residence at Stowcroft, Chislehurst Kent, with Michael teaming up with an Old Boy from his Grammar School, publishing ‘Techinview” an Engineering digest moving on to develop a successful Advertising and Public Relations business; Michael Joyce (PR) Ltd in the City of London. One of his juniors was Nick Hewer who later partnered Alan Sugar. Lord Sugar, as he became, was a PR client of Michael’s firm. In his leisure time Michael showed an adventurous trait. Learning to fly, he won an aircraft in a raffle, and the couple flew to France for weekends and holidays where they had bought a Vineyard in the Garonne Lot district. This inspired Michael to form another Company, Southern Air Charter based at Biggin Hill to enable businessmen to attend meetings throughout the UK and near Continent.

Around this time, in the early 60’s Michael took up Offshore Cruising under Sail, owning a number of Hillyard yachts, putting his navigational skills to good use. (LIST by reference to HOA Archive) One of these, burned to the waterline following a gas explosion off Keyhaven. In the year 1977, Michael attended a meeting at the Royal Lymington YC called by Hillyard sailors, Robert and Pamela Keen. It was there and then the Hillyard Owners Association was formed with Michael as its first Commodore. He served in this role, producing newsletters, enrolling Hillyarders, Charming everyone with his humour and sharing his infectious enthusiasm for our sea kindly yachts. He published an annual Members Handbook, keeping the accounts, organising dinners & rallies in London, Cowes and elsewhere for the next 21 years. These were memorable for being very convivial ‘dress up’ occasions. The gentlemen members in Blazers & Club ties and the ladies” as fashion and good taste dictate”. The venues rather grand. The Royal London YC on The Esplanade in Cowes, all polished brass & Race Trophies, and at London Boat Show time in January, at the Naval Club in Mayfair. The Association presented Michael with an inscribed silver salver as a mark of appreciation for his efforts. In the Hillyard 12 ton Lina Arni he attended the Brest Festival in 1988 or 92,following which, a very difficult return passage persuaded Michael to quit cruising. He was then 69 years of age. He had the 2.5ton KOALA restored in South Wales and brought her back to the Medway to potter about in. As a nostalgic reminder of their courtship in the 30’s Nicky bought Michael a 1928 Austin Chummy named “Forgetmenot” in which they would attend rallies of the Baby Austin Owners Club. In retirement the two enjoyed many cruises and were especially attracted to the Blue Funnel Line to African destinations.

In 1998 Michael was looking for help and a successor to progress the HOA. He took me under his wing and I was proud to continue and try to follow his example of leadership for the Association he loved and nurtured.

Nearing retirement, he bought The Mission House at `Gravesend, a former bible school founded by General Gordon of Khartoum on the River Thames opposite Tilbury Forts from where he watched the Thames barge races from the start line. Later moving to an apartment at Mayfield House in Sussex where he and Nicky were very content. This idyll was cut short when the owners sold the property after which the couple moved to Sunrise Living in Sidcup where they were comfortable up to their last days, Michael sadly suffering with Parkinsons. This did not prevent him bravely attending our Dinner at the Naval Club in January 2011 nor enjoying a glass of Champagne and remaining his usual cheery self.

I am grateful to Anthony Joyce for a copy of notes spoken at Michael’s Cremation Service which sadly few Hillyarders were able to attend. For five years his carer was Claire Ferguson Webber to whom we are indebted for anecdotes included in this appreciation and obituary of our late much loved President . Michael died at Sunrise Home Sidcup on 2nd July 2010 and Nicky 17 days earlier on the 14th of June, having each experienced 85 years of very full lives.

We of the HOA will always treasure their memory. Michael’s invariable parting to myself, and I am sure others was “ God Bless.”

Michael Walden

Vice President Hillyard Owners Association

Mistress Anne - 9 Ton

I acquired Mistress Anne Two years ago. I intended to try and save her. Unfortunately Ill health struck, I am almost fully recovered but as I was unable to work,  Financial Ill health has now struck.
Mistress Anne is well worth saving.
The Keel is sound and the accessible keel bolts were replaced a couple of years ago according to the last owner.
For some reason there are two masts on her.
She has been ashore now for Nine years, and was left under a tree in the Yard with all the seacocks closed , including the cockpit drains. The cockpit filled with Rain water over seven years and the cockpit floor rotted out and the entire yacht was flooded. Being left under a tree there is some rot to the top of the sternpost, and approx two feet of planking on the starboard side.
There are also two small areeas of rot to the plywood decking which can be easily repaired.
I am unable to turn the engine, and had intended to lift the engine out and strip it down and refurbish. over winter. All the electrics are corroded and need replacing.
My plans included building a doghouse over the cockpit and turning the chart table into a second heads for the main saloon and forecabin.
She has been recently surveyed by the students at Emsworth Marine Surveying school, but I have yet to recieve the report.
I cannot afford to refurbish her and so I will sell her rather than leave her to deteriorate any further.

Please Call Howard Wilks


I was chatting to an old friend last night and we were talking of the old boats we’ve known and sometimes owned!  The talk turned to my old Hillyard, Cobweb.  I owned her back in the early 70’s and sailed her out of Moody’s Yard on the Hamble.  Out of interest I went looking for information on Hillyards on the Internet and found your site.  I notice that you don’t have a 7-ton category in your gallery of photos and wondered if you would like the attached.  Not a brilliant photograph, (well, it’s 40 years old), but most of the others I have don’t show her sailing.
I wonder if she’s still afloat?  I don’t know how to find out if the subsequent owners managed to keep the old girl going.  Not the fastest boat on the Solent but probably the most kindly one.  She was well loved by the harbour-master at Yarmouth I-O-W who would always find a berth for us even at the height of the summer! 
I hope you find the picture interesting.  If you want more then I’m sure that I can find more stuff in the album. 
Best Regards
Chris Curnow


Dawn Lady & Vivona - St Mawes - Enough said..........
Dawn Lady and Vivona

Snow Goose

I currently own the 1938 9t White Goose.  I have been aiming to restore her for some time, but with time and work pressure against me, I've made little progress.
The storage I have will be unavailable from the end of March, and sadly this means I will have to abandon the project.
What I would like to know is whether you know of anyone willing to take on such a project.  The yacht is dry, and has been stored indoors for several years.  She is pitchpine on oak, with a teak deck, and centre cockpit.  She needs serious work, as basically she is an empty hull.  I have various fittings that have been removed from the boat. 
I fear that if I am unable to find someone to take the boat on then I may well have to break her up, which I would like to avoid. 
I would be happy for the boat to find a good home, a small contribution to clearing the storage fees would be very welcome, though I would not be terribly worried about that. 
Many thanks,
Gordon Bushell

Lady Sarnia 5 Ton

Jon and Edith from California have sent these images of their 5 Ton Hillyard

Raced every year in a local regatta called the McNish (boats built before 1952). She is in need of a newer pair of sails as they have yet to be replaced from the 60s!
They look pretty good to me. Check out that Ullman's cruising shute! Not 1960's me thinks.

Lady Sarnia

Lady S

Lady Sarnia Slip

Lady Sarnia

Chris Young writes

I am a practicing shipwright offering this sevice out of Newhaven, East Sussex, where I have just recently restored a timber vessel for one of my clients, I was indeed apprenticed to a local yard in this part of Sussex where at that time (1970's) they were still building in timber.
I carried out my City & Guild course studies with other apprentices from Hillyards at that time at the designated college.

I offer a mobile Shipwrighting Service, which helps in keeping overheads to a minimum and therefore allows more competitive hourly rate, subject to distance of travel etc ,
Vessels can be brought to Newhaven Marina, where there is either hard standing ( Ashore storage ) or the option to hire a newly reactivated boathall undercover faciility.( Hired out for possible refits works )

Should any of your members be seeking this type of service I leave this email plus a contact number.

Regards Chris Young

Tel: 07763340205


Christmas Quiz - Who is this?
Image taken by the contributor below

Dear Sir,
The enclosed photo of this lovely, single handed Hillyard sailing towards the Raz de Sein, was taken in August 2009. We sailed past her but not close enough to read her name. I wondered if by any chance you could identify her so that the owner could have a picture of his boat under sail.
Jacques GILLES. French yacht "Fleur des Iles "(Moody 376) e-mail :

Unknown Hillyard

4 Ton 1937
A recent visit to Emsworth recently resulted in a chance meeting with Nick Gates who owns and runs Nick Gates & Co, a traditional workshop that specializes in wooden boat repair and restoration. Although looking at another Hillyard he very kindly showed me Girouette who's images below tell virtually the whole story, but as I know you Hillyarders like a yarn.
Girouette has been in the same family for nearly 50 years. She was first worked on by Nick Gates when she was taken to Combes Boatyard for restoration in the early 1990s. Following the closure of the yard, she was laid up for nine years. She is now being fully restored, with work including new deck, interior and engine.
Girouette 029

Nick trained at the International Boatbuilding Training College in Lowestoft, Suffolk, from 1986-7 before joining the renowned Combes Boatyard in Bosham, West Sussex, in 1987. He remained with the yard until its closure in 1999, latterly working as slipway manager, and then set up Nick Gates & Co (formerly Southbourne Boatyard).

Girouette 002

Girouette 006

Giroutte 013

For Services that can get you Hillyard looking like this please contact:-
Nick Gates
Nick Gates & Co
Unit 3, Emsworth Shipyard, Emsworth, Hampshire. PO10 8BP
Tel: 07957 422941; Email:

Singing Girl - Five Ton - In need of Help

Information has come to the attention of some members in the West Country that 'Singing Girl' a five ton Hillyard, built in 1934 is being offered for free to one or those who are prepared to take her on. She is currently on the slipway below Brunel Bridge on the River Tamar with a sign saying 'Take for Free'. Now we all appreciate this is no way for a manageable yacht of this vintage to go so action is required. The association is aware that she was restored and sailed between 1988 and 1998 and last sold to a group of three Marine Science students from Plymouth University.
The boat is ashore on a public hard approx. 150 yards DOWN river from the eastern support of the Tamar railway bridge (Brunel Bridge). It is accessed via Military Road which must be approached by car from the St Budeaux district of Plymouth. (Access from the Tamar road crossing is only for buses from the nearby A38).
The boat is located just behind a little cafe adjacent to a pub (name not to hand) -on the hard between cafe and river.

This is an opportunity to claim a piece of maritime history and keep it on the map for you and others to enjoy.

Photos of Singing Girl below

Ancient Hillyard 022 (2) Ancient Hillyard 015 (2) Ancient Hillyard 007 (2) Ancient Hillyard 002 (2) Ancient Hillyard 008 (2)

Guy Smith - 27th October 2010
Please contact

Where is Beltane - 1937 - 14 ton Hillyard

Anthony Burdon writes:-

I wonder if the owners of Beltane, a 1937, 14 ton, (now) cutter rigged Hillyard are members. My late grandfather owned her in the late 1940s and possibly from new. His daughters, my mother, is still alive and living in Devon. She remembers the boat fondly and we live almost overlooking where Beltane was moored in the river Dart just after the war. It would be marvelous if we could see an up to date picture of her as we only have one old black and white shot of her under sail.
Any news of her whereabouts, history, photographs please contact

Hythe Event September 2010

Dear all.

Just to let you know that a Hillyard gathering is planned at Hythe Marina (Southampton Water)on the weekend of 11th-12th September.

Hythe Marina is my 'home marina' and for those who don't know it, Hythe is situated on the Western side of Southampton Water, approximately five and a half miles upstream from Calshot.
The marina is accessed via a lock.

The plan is to raft some of our boats in a designated area, and depending upon numbers, other berths will be available as close to the main group as possible.
A special berthing discount has been arranged, with 20% off the standard rate of £3.25 per metre (up to 12.5m).

Although no 'formal' evening meal on the Saturday is planned as such, it is likely that a good few of us will eat in the Italian Restaurant (La Vista) which is located on the marina itself. Booking is advisable, and this should be done direct with the restaurant (02380 207730).
Alternatively, Hythe village (4 or 5 minutes walk from the marina entrance) has a choice of 'eateries', such as pizza parlours, pubs, an Indian restaurant/takeaway, a Thai restaurant and a Chinese takeaway.

Our H.O.A. Commodore (Steve Tiffin) and his wife Liz will be hosting a pontoon drinks party from their 13 tonner, Ianthe, on the Saturday evening. Timings and other details will be confirmed nearer the time, or as people arrive (I will be about, to assist wherever possible).

The Southampton Boat Show starts that weekend, and Hythe is well placed for this, as the nearby Hythe Ferry goes to Town Quay in Southampton, which is next door to the show entrance.
For those perhaps wishing to take in a visit to the show, or just wanting to make more of a weekend of it, berths will be available from the Friday (10th).

All are welcome (whether by road or sea) and it would be great to see you all!

I would ask in particular, that anyone coming by boat to please let me know, either by letting me know via this site, by personal messaging(in the HOA Handbook), or replying directly to this post (In Yahoo Group) , or by phoning me on 07790 655774, as I would need to have an idea of numbers, for arranging berths. I will also provide you with any further information that you may require.

Finally, I would ask you all to please make any other Hillyarder friends you may happen to know, aware of this event, as there will be no mailouts for it.

Any further information required, please don't hesitate to give me a shout.
It would be great to see you all!

Best Regards,


Where is She Now - ILLAWARRA

Richard Blomfield Writes
I don`t know whether Illawarra is still afloat. I certainly hope so She is not listed in my last edition of Lloyds (1979).
My father,Capt N C Blomfield owned her for a number of years in Jersey during the fifties having bought her from Lt.Col.Stevenson,of Gorey.She was built by Hillyards in 1929.
Illawarra Gorey harbour
Illawarra - Gorey Harbour

I enclose two photos  one of her at anchor in Grouville Bay taken from the pierhead and Gorey Harbour and the other of her after she had been brought home By Capy.Bolitho`s motorboat "Onward" after having hit the Flat Rock a few hundred yards off Gorey Harbour entrance. A willing party of helpers came to assist,as you can see. My father is the shirtless one in the cockpit. He should have known the exact position of the Flat Rock as he had been sailing out of Gorey for ten years at that time. The fact that he had the particularly attractive wife of a colleague on board at the time may have meant that his attention had been diverted for a moment!!

Illawarra Grouville Bay Jersey
Illawarra - Grouville Bay Jersey

I would be interested to hear any news of the old girl.She sailed well,particularly well as I remember when her jackyard tops`l went up in the right breeze.
I hope these snaps may be of interest to some of your members.

I have joined your yahoo group in order to trace the whereabouts of a boat which was made by Hillyards for a relative of mine, AA Rowse, and registered at Littlehampton July 16th 1938. The boat was then called VALMARA, and her registration was 166161. My relative died in 1959 and VALMARA was sold on.
She was classified as a Bermudan Cutter, a single masted wood pleasure yacht, gross tonnage 28.13, with 6 bulkheads, and sometime between 1966 - 1971 her name changed from VALMARA to QUAESITOR.
The ledgers for the port of Littlehampton record: 'Registry closed 26 April 1974 on sale of vessel to foreigners (USA citizen). Certificate of registry delivered up. Advice received from Treasury Dept, Bureau and Customs, Miami, Florida.' However a search in the US Coast Guard database has failed to identify the vessel.
Can anyone help me find her?
With many thanks,
James Lucas

Please contact if you have any knowledge.

Hillyard Yahoo Group

Daniel Eugenio, association member and proud owner of Malina (6 Ton) has very kindly set up a yahoo group for Hillyards owners so that we can communicate and exchange valuable information between the owners and interested parties.

To subscribe, just send a message to: and follow the instructions

This appears to be a great idea that will compliment the existing website, to which I will add an appropriate link. Give it a go. The more that goes in to the group the more we can get out of it.

Lady C Pips Valsheda for Line Honours - See Sailing Yarns for photographic proof!!

We never intended to enter for the Antigua Classic race series but as we were so close we decided to come and have a look. Arriving in Falmouth harbour we dropped the anchor and the next day we walked around to The Antigua Yacht Club, in torrential rain, to see what it was all about. We were introduced to Kenny Coomes, the Regatta Chairman, who spent a long time explaining how the series worked and he assured us that we would have a great time. We provisionally singed up for all the races and the Concours De Elegance and having done that we set about making the old girl look respectable, which after all her cruising wasn't easy especially in the baking heat of the day. We also had to take lots and lots of measurements as she had to be rated to be able to compete. The entry was £125 and included free berthing in the marina at English harbour so once we had scrubbed up we went around to take up our position. We were to moor stern to on the first pontoon out from the club, a maneuver that is rather unpleasant in a boat with an offset propeller, but with a long line to the jetty we managed to drop the anchor from the bow and winch ourselves into pride of place right in front of the lawn of the yacht club. We were in the front line and best placed for all the activities, Panerai, the main sponsors had their hospitality bar set up about 10 paces away from us and they provided an incredible level of liquid and gastronomic delight for the duration of the races, including a breakfast bag and daily paper delivered to the boat each morning.  Gaynor and I have never raced and we were a little apprehensive about it although Kenny assured us that we would be able to take on crew without any problems. On the way back to the boat after registering we stopped for a beer and looking out of the bar I spotted Mike Frith, the artist from Chichester who sails his boat, Blue Eagle out of Itchenor where we keep Lady C. Mike was out her with his girlfriend Sandy and they had two more friends, Alan and Jenny arriving the next day, suddenly we had a full crew and they were absolutely fantastic. Walking around the pontoons that night to look at all the other boats was amazing and the beauty of the big boats such as Velsheda, Ranger, Rebecca and Windrose was awe inspiring. We wondered why we had entered the Concours but when the judges arrived the next morning they made very positive noises and that night we were awarded 2nd place in the privately maintained vintage boat category.  Friday dawned grey and cloudy and my nerves were jangling as we lifted the anchor and headed out to the start.  We were the second race to go off and thanks to Mike's cool hand on the helm we made a good start and headed for the first mark. It wasn't long before we could see the bigger boats charging up behind us and the two massive J's came past, one on either side in a truly magnificent display of speed and grace, their huge quarter wakes almost swamping us with what appeared to be two mini Tsunamis. After a great race we finished in third place and headed back to the wonderful party atmosphere in Falmouth harbour. Day two saw the start of The Butterfly race and there were lots of squalls coming through with prolonged periods of heavy rain, we were all totally soaked, but very happy to secure 2nd place.  Sunday, day three of racing, was The Cannon, straight out and back twice, a total of 24 miles on a broad reach . We were reduced to only four crew as Alan and Jenny, who had been a bit seasick on the first day, decided to have a beach day but we still managed a great days racing and came second in class, just pipping Velsheda across the finishing line. The guys on the  committee boat came around to see us and told us that they have a fabulous picture of us taking line honours from her, one for the album I'm sure. The race ended and we headed round to Falmouth Harbour for the parade of sail where we received some very flattering comments from the commentator.  Day four was a real toughie with an 8 mile slog to windward but by now the skies had cleared and the sun was shining and Lady C was obviously enjoying herself and appeared to be better balanced than she had been previously. We romped home in second place again and an elated ship and crew headed round to English Harbour to take up the offer of a further two nights free berthing right beside the prize giving arena. This has been a truly amazing experience and we have had such a great time racing with a fabulous crew and now have over a hundred miles of racing experience under our belts. Our final position is second in class and we've just bought the T Shirts with Lady Corinne listed as one of the participating Yachts, we real do feel very proud of her and this experience will be a memory we shall cherish forever.
LadyC and her Prize Winning Crew wish you all the very best from The Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta 2010

Folly Inn May 2009

Folly VVW

Folly VVW (1)

Folly 2009

Folly 2009 (1)

Folly 2009 (2)

Folly 2009

Folly 2009 (4)

Folly 2009 (5)

Folly 2009 (6)